Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lee Family Association Lion Dance Team

I have always LOVED the lion dancers and I am thrilled to announce that the Lee Family Association has asked me to make new feet for the lions to be worn in this years Grand Floral Parade. If you notice in the picture above the lions are wearing white sneakers, which seems to be common if you do a Google image search. What I'm making is a shoe cover that attaches with velcro on over top of the shoe, each foot has four golden claws (96 claws for the whole team!) with fur and will really make the costumes complete! I'm photographing the whole process, so check back for more details.

I was fortunate enough to be given a tour of the inside of the lion heads and costumes and I have to tell you that it really is a phenomenally intricate bamboo structure lashed together and then hand covered in paper mache and elaborately painted, again by hand. Even the pants, which seem simple are still fringed satin, and the fringe generally zigzags up and down around the legs. Look for these amazing costumes around town, they team is always performing!

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